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Pearse McNerney

I have 7 years experience in this industry and have helped transform hundreds of people.
Focusing on weight training and flexible dieting to promote a healthier lifestyle for my clients

Qualifications: Level 3 PT

Specialities: Bodybuilding, Boot Camps, Nutrition, Weightlifting, Weight Loss

8 week shred

8 week course

8 week shred is designed to strip as much body fat as possible in this time.

Ideal for getting in shape for occasions such as weddings, holidays etc or if your just sick of how you look and want a more toned/leaner physique.

Included is an 8 week training programme and a nutrition plan tailored ...


Nutrition plan

12 week course

One off nutrition plan tailored to each individual and their goals.

Includes calorie breakdown, macro splits and will be designed using a flexible dieting approach.


12 week shred

12 week course

12 weeks training and nutrition tailored to you to get you as lean as possible.
